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Columbus Soccer Complex: Local Organizations Collaborate to Establish New Management Agreement

The Columbus City Council has granted a group of local organizations approximately nine months to collaborate and create a new formal agreement for the future collective use of the Wilderness Park Soccer Complex. During the Council's April 17th meeting, numerous residents, Columbus Soccer Club members, and American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) representatives expressed their grievances and concerns, citing the need for improved communication among the involved parties.

Subsequently, the Council passed Resolution No. R23-62, which temporarily allows Columbus Soccer Club to utilize the Wilderness Park soccer facilities. The resolution mandates that the Columbus Soccer Club, AYSO, and Columbus Adult Soccer League collaborate to establish a structured Columbus Soccer Club Inc. that would jointly manage the park with equal representation from each organization.

If an agreement cannot be reached regarding the park's management by December 1, 2023, the City of Columbus will explore other options for its operation and oversight. City officials made this decision because the Wilderness Park Operations Committee (WPOC), consisting of members from Columbus Soccer Club and AYSO, lacked a formal structure and bylaws for several years.

Mayor Jim Bulkley emphasized that the new agreement would not impede any organization's use of the facility, nor would it require any entity to merge. He also clarified that the City is not responsible for establishing fees since it does not oversee or maintain the park.

During the Council's meeting, various stakeholders expressed their opinions and concerns about the agreement's language, timelines, roles, and fees. However, Council President Beth Augustine-Schulte emphasized the need for all parties to move forward and improve communication.

Councilman Ron Schilling expressed his concern for the children and urged the adults to work together to create a better environment for them. He believed that the new agreement could eventually lead to this outcome and that if the parties cannot come to a stable agreement within nine months, other alternatives will be explored.


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